Hello, Thank you for coming over to read my blog. I have now moved over to a new shiny blog, go to www.believeinbumble.co.uk to see my latest posts. Hope to see you over there soon! Love, E. x
Welcome to my first monthly favourites! I can't believe it is almost September! Here are my favourites for August divided up into Food, Beauty and Health, and finally Entertainment. Food Tesco Mixed Berry Helter Skelter and Rowntrees Fruit Pastel Ice Lollies In the recent boiling weather, I became addicted to ice lollies! It's embarrassing really how many I got through, but girls got to do what a girls got to do! My favourites are the Tesco Mixed Berry Helter Skelter with a sweet blackcurrant flavour and at only £1 for a box is a bargain. I also enjoyed eating the Rowntrees Fruit Pastel ice lollies on the layer at a time. I love the zingy flavours especially the citrus flavour. It also brings back happy memories of visiting my grandma and grandpa as a child and spending time in their garden as we always had one as a treat. Water Infuser Twinning Water In’fuse Pink Lemonade (my review: https://bit.ly/2wrTgkD ) and recently I have been ...